5 Things Traveling Can Teach Us

Traveling can be refreshing for those who want to break away from the monotony of life. Getting to new places open your eyes to new experiences. It also teaches you to gradually come out of…

What is the DASH Diet?

  No, it’s not a fad diet, nor was it created as an all-purpose diet. However, it seems like the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is promising for those who want to lose…

4 Challenging Body Weight Exercises You Should Try

Body weight exercises can be a challenging and time efficient means for getting into great shape.  Many exercisers mistakenly believe that body weight exercises are just for beginners.  Nothing could be further for the truth!…

Is a Raw Foods Diet Right For Me?

“Raw foods” diets have been around since the 1800’s.  Raw foodies claim that their diet helps keep them trim and avoid other health problems.  The raw foods diets include uncooked, unpasteurized, and unprocessed organic vegetables,…

Does a Fitness Tracker Help in Losing Weight?

A fitness tracker is a device that helps monitor the amount of movement, heart rate, the duration and even the quality of sleep. Since the device is wrist-worn or clipped on, monitoring these factors is…

7 Ways to Get You to the Gym.

Let’s be honest, we’ve all made some kind of New Year’s resolution at some point, promising ourselves that we’d actually hit the gym. But of course, that only lasted for about a week or two….

7 Foods Secretly High In Sugar

We all know that sweets, pastries and carbohydrates have high glycemic indices. However, there are foods that we think are healthy, but actually contain loads of sugars. There are also foods that do not taste…