8 Signs of Chronic Kidney Disease

kidney diseaseMost of the time, chronic kidney disease does not produce any pain. Now this can be a good thing because they do not need to suffer. However, pain is the best motivating factor for people to go to the doctor and make lifestyle changes to improve their health. For instance, in chronic kidney disease, detection is crucial.

1.      Decrease or increase in urine output

Any problems in your kidneys almost often result to changes in your urine output. Most people may experience decrease in urine output. However, there are also those who experience an increase in urine output especially at night. Changes in frequency of urination is usually the first sign of a kidney problem. In addition, you can also observe dark colored urine (similar to ice tea) and the urge to urinate but no urine comes out.

2.      Swelling of the ankles, legs, face and hands

Kidneys remove toxic wastes in the body through urine and other fluids from the body. If the kidneys malfunction, it will fail to remove salt and fluids in the body, thus, the edema of the feet, hands and puffiness of the face.

3.      Foam forming in the urine

One sign of a malfunctioning kidney is protein or albumin found in urine. The presence of protein in the urine is responsible for the formation of foam in the urine.

4.      Bloody urine

A bloody urine may signify many things such as infection, kidney stones or cancer. However, one thing is for sure. The presence of blood in the urine can cause anxiety to the person.

5.      Anemia

Anemia is a common symptom of kidney disease. Erythropoietin is a hormone produced by our kidneys. Once our kidneys malfunction, it does not produced enough erythropoietin in the body.

6.      Skin itching and rashes

Having chronic kidney disease makes it impossible for your body to remove and flush out toxins. The accumulation of toxic wastes lead to skin itching and rashes. Oftentimes though, skin itching is mistaken for other conditions.

7.      Metallic taste in the mouth and ammonia breath

The kidneys flush out urea in the blood. However, if the kidneys malfunction, urea accumulates in the blood. This condition is called uremia. Once uremia is broken down, the by-product is ammonia, which gives the distinct pungent order. It mixes with saliva, thus resulting to ammonia breath. The presence of the said by-product also produces an unpleasant taste in the mouth similar to metal.

8.      Back or flank pain

Although not all sufferers experience back pain, it is still characterizes a kidney problem. Usually, the pain is felt in the lower back (flank area) and can spread to the groin. The pain can be caused by several kidney conditions. It can be caused by kidney stones, inflammation of the bladder (interstitial cystitis) or polycystic kidney disease.


The earlier the disease is detected, the lesser damage it can cause and earlier intervention can be implemented. As soon as you find these signs and symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.


Photo credit: http://www.santechiropractic.com/


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