Monthly Archives: August 2014

Is Chronic Inflammation and PCOS?

Recent research has uncovered that chronic inflammation may be another PCOS symptom.  Inflammation is the immune systems response to a detected threat.  In most cases an inflammatory response protects us.  Inflammation helps us fight infection…

Is Vitamin E Effective When Applied Topically?

When it comes to health and beauty, vitamin E is considered one of the most beneficial in skin care. As an anti-oxidant, it helps slow down the aging process and strengthens the nails and hair….

Beauty Kit Under $50

Every girl, no matter how strapped for cash, should have her own beauty kit comprised of skin and hair care products as well as makeup. Contrary to  popular beliefs, a beauty kit can be assembled…

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?  PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)  is the most common endocrine disorder among women.  It is estimated that five to ten precent of women in their reproductive age are suffering from this…

5 Beauty Rituals To Avoid

It is alright to take care of your body, after all, it is your responsibility to do so. However, too much of everything causes more harm than good. If you do any of  these five…

5 Things Traveling Can Teach Us

Traveling can be refreshing for those who want to break away from the monotony of life. Getting to new places open your eyes to new experiences. It also teaches you to gradually come out of…

What is the DASH Diet?

  No, it’s not a fad diet, nor was it created as an all-purpose diet. However, it seems like the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is promising for those who want to lose…

4 Challenging Body Weight Exercises You Should Try

Body weight exercises can be a challenging and time efficient means for getting into great shape.  Many exercisers mistakenly believe that body weight exercises are just for beginners.  Nothing could be further for the truth!…