Monthly Archives: September 2014

Exercise Found to be Bad on Teeth

Physical fitness and exercise is encouraged because it is good for the health. It can keep our heart healthy, muscles in good condition and away from illnesses caused by a sedentary lifestyle. However, did you…

Pomegranate and Its Drug Interactions

Pomegranate is tagged as a superfood because of its numerous health benefits and its healing wonders. The fruit, which is native to Iran and other Mediterranean countries, contain anti-oxidants, vitamin C, polyphenols and isoflavones. The…

3 Psoas Muscle Stretches

These 3 psoas muscle stretches can hale you lengthen your tight psoas and prevent low back pain. The psoas is a rope like muscle about the size of you lower forearm that is located in…

Quinoa for Breakfast

Quinoa has become a very popular health food for good reason.  This unique grain is easy to digest, gluten free, and has a relatively high protein content. Quinoa is a psuedo-cereal like rice and barley. Compared to…

10 Uses of Aloe Vera for the Skin

Aloe Vera is known for its soothing, cooling and healing effects on the skin. It is often found in dry climate areas such as Africa and Asia. Since ancient times, aloe vera has been used…

5 Fall Skincare Tips

Here comes fall season! Get ready with your sweater, tons of scattered foliage everywhere and of course, dry skin. Autumn can be really cold depending on your location. The extreme cold can cause the skin…

The Best Workout Sequence

Are you a personal trainer, fitness coach or exercise enthusiast? If you are, then you should be aware that there is a particular sequence of workout routines that stands out from the rest. According to…