Author Archives: Mae Margaret Macahilo

Beauty Products with Snail Slime in Them

The ancient Greeks first started using snail slime to heal wounds and skin inflammations. It was Hippocrates who first recommended crushed nails for wounds and inflammation. However, Chilean farmers, who worked with snails for the…

7 Health Benefits of Tualang Honey

Tualang honey (TH) is a multifloral jungle honey native to Malaysia. Rock bees collect honey from Tualang Trees, which can be abundantly found in north-west Peninsular Malaysia. It also known as Semerak honey or Koompassia…

7 Beauty Benefits of Ice

Ice therapy has been said to exist since the ancient times. Swedish women have been known to apply ice instead of toner. Some models, such as Kate Moss, swear on ice water as a must-have…

How to Stay Healthy at 40

The 40s is considered middle age. During this time, so many changes happen to a woman’s body. Some women start to menopause at this age. Other women experience a shift in their domestic life when…