Author Archives: Mae Margaret Macahilo

5 Tips to an Acne-free Skin

Acne is not just for teens. Even grown-ups get them too. Contrary to popular belief, acne does not only affect young people. So if you are 14, do not expect to be pimple free when…

5 Ways to Make Use of Spent Coffee Grounds

While rummaging through kitchen cabinets, I recently found a bag of unopened coffee grounds from a popular coffee shop. Unfortunately though, the bag was marked with a “best before” seal that indicates three years ago….

Couponing 101: Tips to Get Started

When you are running your own home, you will be surprised to learn how big groceries take off your budget. Basic necessities are something that we could not do without. Whether we like it or…

Tips for Anger Management

People react differently to negative situations. For instance, when a situation triggers anger, an individual may lash out, become totally enraged and turn totally furious to people and things around them. There are others who…

How to Deal with Acid Reflux

Have you ever experienced a burning pain just below your breastbone after eating? Sometimes it spreads through the chest just when you are relaxing right after a hearty meal. Perhaps you are one of those…

How to Manage Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be very detrimental to men. It can damage a relationship or affect it significantly. It can cause negative feelings such as guilt, embarrassment and depression. It can break a marriage and destroy…

Are Vitamin E and Selenium Good for Prostate Cancer?

Vitamin E is a well-known powerful anti-oxidant. It neutralizes free radicals, thereby preventing potential damage to our cells’ DNA, lipids and protein components. Furthermore, anti-oxidants can also prevent cell mutations which can lead to cancer….