Author Archives: Mae Margaret Macahilo

Legionnaire’s Disease: Fast Facts

The recent outbreak of Legionnaire’s disease in South Bronx left 10 dead and 108 people battling the deadly disease. Health workers found 10 buildings with traces of Legionella bacteria. The list included cooling towers, courthouses,…

Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic Care 

Fibromyalgia, also known as fibromyalgia syndrome, is a condition characterized by widespread pain all over the body. It is a chronic condition, which can leave the sufferer depressed and debilitated. Psychological distress is often attributed…

How to Become a Chiropractor

Chiropractors treat musculo-skeletal disorders with heavy concentrations on the spine. Based on chiropractic principles, a misaligned spine can manifest as disorders in the body. Correcting a misaligned spine helps the nerve impulses flow throughout the…