Monthly Archives: October 2014

Strength Training for Archery

Archery has become a more popular since popular movies like the Hunger Games have featured the sport. Archery is not all about aim. It is a sport that takes strength and considerable fitness. In order…

Core Exercises 101

The abdominal core is much more than just your six-pack abs. The cores is actually the network of muscles that is responsible for supporting, stabilizing and moving the torso. A strong core can give you…

Copper Peptide: Effects on the Body

Copper peptide, particularly GHK-Cu, was discovered by Dr. Loren Pickart PhD in the early 60s. The goal was to find something to prevent aging. In the later part of the research, he found that GHK-Cu…

How to do Upward Facing Dog Pose

Upward Facing Dog pose is one of the most frequently used poses in yoga.  In a single class you could end up doing 5o or more Upward Facing Dogs. In “flow” style yoga classes the…

Working Out With an ACL Injury

ACL injuries are the most common sports-related kneed injury.  Many of the cutting and pivoting actions involved in sports can put added stress on the Anterior Cruciate Ligament of the knee (ACL).  An ACL injury…

Diastasis Recti Exercises

Diastasis recti is a separation of the abdominal muscles. The most superficial abdominal muscles are the abdominis rectus.  The abdominis rectus is formed by two strips of muscle, that run parallel to each other, down…