Facts about Juice Cleanses

Juice cleanses have been made popular by claims that they can improve your health. Nutrition experts remain dubious about the efficacy and safety of the practice. If you are considering a juice cleanse, it is…

Ayurvedic Diet Wisdom

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old holistic health system that originated in India. Ayurvedic medicine is centered around the belief that your health is dependent upon a delicate balance between the mind, body and spirit. Unlike western…

7 Beauty Benefits of Ice

Ice therapy has been said to exist since the ancient times. Swedish women have been known to apply ice instead of toner. Some models, such as Kate Moss, swear on ice water as a must-have…

How to Stay Healthy at 40

The 40s is considered middle age. During this time, so many changes happen to a woman’s body. Some women start to menopause at this age. Other women experience a shift in their domestic life when…

How To Sleep on Your Back

Not many people are naturally inclined to sleep on their backs. Studies have indicated that about 8% of the population sleeps in a prone position. While sleeping in other positions is not harmful to your…

Quadratus Lumborum Stretches

Quadratus Lumborum Stretches can help alleviate back pain. A tight and overused quadratus lomborum, or QL, is a common source of low back pain. The QL’s are a set of identical muscles that are located on…

At Home Cardio Workout

If you have a busy day ahead of you, skipping your workout out can be a tempting way to save time. Skipping your workout in order to get more done is often a mistake. Exercise…